Root to Rise / Early Bird


Root to Rise / Early Bird


A month of magic to accelerate the life you were born to live.

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A four-week virtual journey of foundational freedom that will expand your heart and ease your mind.

How would it feel to break free from the judgements that hold you back?
Is it time to let go of who you think you should be so you can be who you are?
Are you ready to speak, sing and live with courage and authenticity?

• 1 month virtual retreat
• 4 weekly 90 minute interactive group calls (using zoom)
• creative rituals and ceremonies you can do from your own home
• 1 private coaching session (60mins)
• weekly tools, practices and meditations
• writing and vocalization exercises
• an intimately curated community of rising Heartists
• guest experts of embodied freedom
• advanced notice and special rates on live immersions and future retreats
• forum for support and accountability around your creative expression and divine gifts


• Transform negative emotions into creativity
• Feel more safe and confident speaking directly from the heart
• Overcome the paralysis that comes with “getting it right”
• Share your message powerfully, and move people with your presence
• Learn how your love can be stronger than your ego
• Cultivate a level of inner-sovereignty to navigate chaos with grace
• Develop the confidence to sing and freestyle
• Learn tips and tricks to living a healthy, congruent life… emotionally, physically, sexually, socially and spiritually