week 6 ~ the heartist
The Heartist is someone who lives and creates from the space of an open heart.
When they are doing “the thing” that is their heartistry, they are emanating an energy that brings more love, peace, compassion, and unity through them and into the world around them. Spend a few moments journaling about:
Your own personal heartistry, and what activities bring those qualities out of you. The thing that when you are doing it you are most in love with you ;-)
Where in your life could it serve you to listen more fully and deeply to the innermost wisdom of your heart? What, if anything, is in the way?
Cielo Cielo by Hans Walor.
meditate and visualize
Feel free to revisit the meditation we did in our session on the pericardium and the center of the center of the center of your heart. Otherwise, please use the following steps:
Put on a song that supports you in activating the Heart Chakra. Here are some possibilities:
Heart Chakra Chant by Beautiful Chorus
Inner Peace by Beautiful Chorus
Allow yourself to spend some time feeling the outer protective layer of the heart and where you’ve been protecting yourself, or overly permeable / sensitive in a way that has felt harmful. Feel that layer and gently allow yourself to go one layer beyond into the center. The pure place where divinity lives inside of you.
Use your body and your breath to create a sphere of safety around you and use your hands to gently peel back the curtains that sometimes lie between your precious heart and the world.
Begin to gently tone from the center of the center of the center. Give your space enough patience and time to allow this part to feel safe and connected. Ask the wisdom that resides there to bring herself forward and see what sounds she makes. Allow yourself to bring her message through in words or sounds, letting your head rest. No judgment. Just curiosity and the willingness to receive what comes through.
It may be supportive to give a little beat or rhythm to support this process, or to use one of the soundtracks for opening the heart linked above. Either way, do not rush this process. The beauty that comes from your heart is one of the most precious gifts humans can bring forward into this life ;-)