Week 5 ~ The Warrioress
get in the zone
Before you begin, take a few minutes to take this song, these women, their energy, their words and their way in… these are some of my favorite musical + messaging Warrioresses and they came to me in dream time this past week… I think they want to meet you!
They are called “Sweet Honey in the Rock”.
and now… your OmWork
Choose a special moment to reconnect to the Warrioress/ Protectress you invoked in our session...
Root your feet.
Breathe deep into your belly.
Open your root to the energy of the Earth.
Feel your pussy and womb become warm and acknowledged with every breath.
Find your stance, and more importantly feel your stance.
Call upon Her tools. Let Her give you clues and cues like you did in our session.
Spend some juicy time in Her form, anchoring Her into your body like a living totem… like the vision of the statuesque Kuan Yin in embodied form to remind us compassion.
Connect in with Her tools and feel the power that thy hold and how they are to be held and wielded by you. For instance, if you see a sword, it could be the sword of truth she could be telling you the way you feel, know and SPEAK your truth is your sword-like tool to pierce through illusion and reclaim your power. If you see fire, perhaps that represents your capacity to transform negativity into positivity, or pain into pleasure… you get it. You all ROCKED it in our session.
Bring Her forward.
“I am_________”
(State your name - definitive, not as a question)
“I hold” or “I wield”
(if you want to claim your tools…optional…if it feels right)
And then follow with your statement of truth
“I am here to….” or “I protect…” or “I stand for”
On behalf of ________
(what you are here to serve)
Film and Send to our thread ;-)
optional journaling
Reflecting on your Connection to your Power Center
What is your relationship to the Servant Archetype vs. the Warrior/ Warrioress Archetype?
Where do you notice yourself giving your power away?
How do you see yourself calling your power back to you so you can serve that which you treasure most?
What are you a stand for? See if you can get this into one simple sentence and practice saying it as you fully embody what you’re saying.
bonus: the fun stuff!
These women are some musical mavens whom I grew up listening to who EXUDE the warrioress. Give a listen and play with this song, adding your own verses in of what you will and won’t stand for.