new moon ritual
As most of you know, the New Moon is an incredible time to begin new projects and initiatives, as it represents the beginning of a new cycle.
As I have been preparing for this immersion of Free Your Voice, one of the biggest messages that has been coming through is that it is more important than ever right now to be able to stay connected to our inner voice(s) amidst the myriad of information coming towards us.
It is also important to have good boundaries with what we take in and what we filter out, so we can stay connected to our personal truth.
“Good judgment comes from self-observation and deep reflection on what is your truth as opposed to what others want or think.”
The opening ritual is in connection to this particular New Moon, and is an opportunity to create space for some journaling, self-reflection and a bit of magic.
Astrologically, the theme of the March New Moon is discernment, and with the Corona Virus serving as an opportunity to really slow down and check in, we can use this New Moon to ask ourselves the following questions:
What is my environment? Does it serve me? What can I change about it?
What do I need to accept with compassion and forgiveness?
Where do I need to be flexible and resourceful OR where can I create stronger, healthier boundaries?
Where do I blame my personal situation on my current environment?
Where can I take more responsibility?
(This is a powerful pathway to shift our lives into a higher vibration!)
Once you have journaled about these, you can use the information to set intentions that connect to our time together.
Free Your Voice is not just about expression… it’s about personal power and embodied freedom as a whole, so allow yourself to write your intentions down with simple, affirming language.
It can be goals you have for yourself, such as…
“I give myself 10 minutes everyday to create and play with my voice. ”
or something more general, like…
“I am a relaxed and centered beacon of light for my friends and family.”
RItualize it
To bring a little more magic and potency to the journaling process, I invite you to set the space ;-)
Light a fire, or candle, and create an altar with a few sacred objects, crystals, stones, oracle cards or any talismans that you feel connected to... even a photo that represents a part of you or an aspect of your life that you are letting go.
Bring a stick of sage, copal or palo santo so you can cleanse yourself after your journaling, and of course if there is anything that you write that you want to burn in the flame, that is always a powerful way to let go of some energy.
Charge up the stones or crystals with what you are calling in, so they can be an anchor point during our journey together!
I’m so looking forward to being together on the 31st! Please share your experience with this on our WhatsApp thread if you feel inspired!